Feng Shui A curated exhibition and installation of photo works by 4 Asian Canadian artists in Newcastle, with talks in Dublin, Belfast and Derry. Date and locations: Aug. 17 - Sept. 3,…
CHINAMAN’S PEAK: WALKING THE MOUNTAIN Paul Wong, 1992 installation, 1 monitor, photographs, texts, various objects, mixed media also available as a single channel video, 25 min., colour, stereo Distributor: Vtape, Video Out…
ORDINARY SHADOWS, CHINESE SHADE Ordinary Shadows, Chinese Shade Paul Wong, 1988 89 minutes, colour, in Chinese with English subtitles Wong uses his second generation Chinese-Canadian perspective to frame the Chinese here in…
CONFUSED [THE VIDEOTAPE] Confused [the videotape] Paul Wong, 1984 52 minutes, colour video co-directed with Gary Bourgeois, Gina Daniels, and Jeanette Reinhardt A visual/aural non-linear narrative. A layering of ideas, facts, opinions,…
CONFUSED: SEXUAL VIEWS Paul Wong, 1984 4 channel video installation, 9 hr., colour, stereo. w/ 27 photographs or single channel edit, 22 min., colour, stereo Confused: Sexual Views was the controversial exhibition that was…
PRIME CUTS Prime Cuts Paul Wong, 1981 videotape, 20 minutes, colour “About style, technology, and sexuality. Delivered in an unpolitical and distanced view not unlike a commercial, we see life as an…
’4′ ’4′ Paul Wong, 1981 videotape, 42 minutes, colour ’4′ originated as a collaborative performance by Deborah Fong, Carol Hackett, Annastacia McDonald and Jeanette Reinhardt as the S.S. Girls, following events and…
IN TEN SITY Paul Wong (1978) b/w, 25 min., stereo Originally performed and recorded as a live performance Dec 7, 1978 5 channel video installation, (1978) single channel edit (1978) single channel…
ASTEROID Asteroid Paul Wong, Steve Paxton, 1978 19 min., colour, video A made for the camera video collaboration with Steve Paxton, a unique pas de deux between videographer and dancer. Steve Paxton…
7 Day Activity Paul Wong, 1977-2008 8:30 min., stereo, colour, English, single-channel w/ credits Early colour video recorded on ½ in. Part of The Mainstreet Tapes (1976-1980) a series of autobiographic tapes documenting Wong…